A Journey
Through Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Diabetes and Lifestyle Change
Think about
how your relationship with food started.
Did it start off healthy, or unhealthy from the very beginning? I was raised by a single mom, aunts and
grandparents who ate very unhealthy.
Even as a child, everyday I was asked what I had a “taste” for. I didn’t come home to a prepared meal, they
prepared what I asked for – which was never anything healthy. When my mother picked me up after work, due
to time constraints, the obvious choice for dinner would be fast food. All my meals were then followed by
dessert. This started a cycle of
unhealthy choices at an early age. I was
not an over weight kid, but this love affair with bad food would come back to
haunt me later in life.
My goal in
writing this is to prompt you to begin to look at why you’re making unhealthy lifestyle
choices. I want to share with you how I
made a permanent change by not being afraid to take that first step…into a gym,
and into a meeting with a personal trainer/nutritionist. What is keeping you from making a healthy
lifestyle change? Are you afraid that
you’re going to be judged by all these incredibly “in shape” people? Are you concerned about the cost? Are you worried that you physically won’t be
able to do the workouts? Please stay
with me through this blog, and I will explain each week how I got over
different hurdles, reached new goals, how my goals have changed and how my
trainer/nutritionist Debbie Portell and the Powerhouse Gym staff helped me
along the way.
Next week:
How the weight gain began…
-Rich Wood
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