Friday, January 4, 2013

Rich Wood 13

Food is Fuel
A Journey Through Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Diabetes and Lifestyle Change

The unhealthy food you are eating does not care if you have a heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol count or a stroke. YOU have to care!!! You are in control of what goes in your body. When you wake up every morning and tell yourself “I have to do something about my weight,” and then go make the same food choices that you did the day before – you can’t blame the food. Every time I ate something
unhealthy I knew it was bad for me – my body would let me know. Your body is letting you know.

If you have been overweight for a long time and you look at all the money and effort you have put into looking and feeling this way, why wouldn't you put the same effort into feeling great? Please write me and tell me the downside to going through life feeling your best. Honestly you can no longer be this weak about food. Time to change!!! Prove something to yourself, whatever problem you face in your life, being unhealthy through those obstacles does not change the problem. You need to start believing in yourself. You are still on this earth to be a happy, healthy, productive person. You are able to get up and walk around. Think about how many people in wheelchairs would trade one day to be able to walk on a treadmill, much less go for a run. Whenever I am feeling tired, sore or wasting time, I think about all the people who would love to be able to go to the gym and improve themselves. You are totally capable of making the necessary changes. How can you complain about how you look and feel, when you are able to do something about it but choose not too?

I come in contact every day with people who are determined to change themselves. They are doing it. There is a reason the gyms are open 24 hours a day!!! You can watch your favorite tv show later. Skip baking the cake and cookies and do what is best for you in the long run, not short term pleasure. How about long term health? Some people will ignore this because it’s too real, but write down what you eat and how you spend some of your time. Put it on paper. Be honest with yourself. No one else has to see it. The answers on what you need to change will be right in front of you. Make the most of everyday you have on this earth, you owe it to yourself and your family and loved ones you have lost. See what it feels like to run at the optimum level. Think and live like a champion, you can do it. I’m living proof. Make the New Year everything you want it to be. It’s time to do work. If you put the time and energy into your health it will pay off – I promise!!! I’m going to train. You need motivation? Do you think you are the only person who is busy?

Are you ready to begin?

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