Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rich Wood 5

Food is Fuel
A Journey Through Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Diabetes and Lifestyle Change

How do I describe the changes that training with Debbie Portell has brought to my life? 
Before I began training with Debbie, I was absolutely confident that my progress with weight training and weight loss would not be a problem.  But Debbie brought up a new word in my life: nutrition.  

We wanted to get rid of the headaches and get my diabetes under control.  I will go into great detail on how we took my A1C count from 11.2 to 5.2, and how I went from 275lbs. to my current weight of 185-190lbs.  I have the type of personality that if I’m interested in something and motivated by it, I will give it my all.  I was eager and determined to get myself in the best shape of my life.  I had ideas about certain parts of my diet, but I needed guidance in getting the exact results that I wanted.

My first meeting with Debbie was in March of 2012.  Debbie’s approach was enlightening because I was going to be looking at my overall health picture – not just building muscle and working out.  She explained that the hard work we’d be putting in on weights and cardio would be matched with the same intensity towards my diet.  We had meetings strictly about nutrition and how my food would affect my overall gains in every other aspect.  Debbie had me determine my goals.  She has never lost sight of these.  One of the many amazing things about Debbie is her attention to detail during my workouts; this is something I could not do on my own.  She pays close attention to my form to avoid injury and the exercises are very hard and specific in helping me achieve my goals.  Believe it or not, everything about my workout is fun, and I love it (except for leg day).
With Debbie’s help, these blogs will become more technical concerning what I eat and how I exercise.  Right now I’m trying to explain where I was, where I’m at, and where I’m going.  Eliminate the word diet from your vocabulary.  You’re not going on a diet.  You’re going to change your lifestyle.  You’ve got to get a handle on why you eat the poor foods that you do.  You have to admit to yourself that you need help…like I did.  I did this so that I wouldn’t fall back into my old patterns.  I did this because I was trying to save my life.

Are you ready for change?   Here are some things to think about:
  • There is no need to set yourself up for failure by going around and telling everyone “I’m on a diet.” 
  • Tell yourself that you are going to make these changes.  It’s about you.  It’s ok to take the time to invest in yourself, and to start feeling better. 
  • Stay humble.  You could be around people who are struggling with the same issues as you and they will try to bring you back down into a place you are exiting.  Some people don’t want to see you succeed, they will tell you “oh just have that donut…it’s not going to hurt you…” don’t let them drag you back down into their way of thinking and into your old patterns.  Your new way of thinking needs to be “I would rather go sling a f#@king kettle bell or battle ropes than put unhealthy food in my body again.” 
  • Every week, try to eliminate a bad habit out of your life.  The world is full of a lot of temptations; gas stations being one…we all have to go there.  Think about what they sell besides gas…cigarettes, alcohol, candy, soda, horrible food under lamps.  From now on, only go there for gas – eliminate everything else they sell that is bad for you.  Watch how your will power and your health will start to improve. 

I feel very lucky.  My trainers and coaches have a plan for me, and I am motivated to stick to it.  You need help, and you need a support system.  I have surrounded myself with people who are experts in their fields, and who want me to reach my goals.  I have surrounded myself with positive people.  Thank you Debbie Portell, Sid Gee, Wes Richards, Kyle Watson, Patrick Benson, Monte Gravis, and my family and friends.  If you’re getting anything out of reading this, it’s time for you to start making your plan and not be afraid to ask for help.  Sit down and think, and write down what you really want to accomplish. 

Food for thought:  Your biggest opponent is the one in the mirror. 

Rich Wood

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