is Fuel
A Journey
Through Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Diabetes and Lifestyle Change
I’m going
to let you in on a huge secret: when you eat healthy, you can eat up to five
times a day. It’s about what you eat and
when you eat it. Starving yourself, and
then gorging yourself is not the answer.
Take the word “diet” out of your life.
It has negativity and failure attached to it. How many times have you said “Monday, I’m
starting a diet.” The way it is said
already has you setup for failure. Have
you ever said “this is my last weekend like this, I’m going to eat whatever I
want this weekend and Monday I am going to change everything?” Monday comes, and you fall back into the same
patterns. Big announcements about diets
breed failure. It’s about what you eat,
not about trends or fads. I hear people
say “I can’t live without my ________.”
They are announcing that there is some kind of food or drink that has
power over them. Can you live without
diabetes or a heart attack?
Change your way of thinking.
Tell yourself that you are worth caring for. I am worth the effort to make sure that I am going to proceed through life making my health a priority. If you need help, it’s ok to ask for it. A magazine article or a diet that worked for someone else may not work for you. You may need an expert to customize a nutrition and fitness plan for you. Try something new. Put into action feeling better about you. Train your mind and body…the connection between the two is the key. Has food helped you solve any problems in the past? Has food given you any answers to what is causing you to overeat? You are in control of your health, happiness, and destination. The corporations and people making these processed and unhealthy foods are not concerned about your health. They want to sell you a product, not food. You have to take charge of your own health. Is a dollar menu item really the answer? Stop doing things to yourself that you can’t feel good about. Do what is right. Do not make another New Year’s resolution – start making changes today. Get fired up and be the person you want to be. What is keeping you from taking this challenge?
Change your way of thinking.
Tell yourself that you are worth caring for. I am worth the effort to make sure that I am going to proceed through life making my health a priority. If you need help, it’s ok to ask for it. A magazine article or a diet that worked for someone else may not work for you. You may need an expert to customize a nutrition and fitness plan for you. Try something new. Put into action feeling better about you. Train your mind and body…the connection between the two is the key. Has food helped you solve any problems in the past? Has food given you any answers to what is causing you to overeat? You are in control of your health, happiness, and destination. The corporations and people making these processed and unhealthy foods are not concerned about your health. They want to sell you a product, not food. You have to take charge of your own health. Is a dollar menu item really the answer? Stop doing things to yourself that you can’t feel good about. Do what is right. Do not make another New Year’s resolution – start making changes today. Get fired up and be the person you want to be. What is keeping you from taking this challenge?
I want you
to know that there are people that legitimately care about helping you. I know I can help you lose weight and live a
healthy lifestyle. Through this blog, I
try to express how much better my life has become by taking control of my own
health – but the joy that comes from helping someone else begin this path is
immeasurable. Being able to look into
someone’s eyes and see how desperate they are to change…then help that person
begin to realize what they are capable of through diet and exercise….how strong
mentally and physically they are…then begin to see the changes happen…I can’t
express the satisfaction that comes from this.
I just had
an experience with a client where I shared with him how bad it had gotten for
me. I would wake up at 3am and eat a full meal, then go back to
bed. This person looked at me with
sadness and anger and admitted that this is the pattern he is living right
now. My reply to him is that he has
already taken the toughest step. He is
here in the gym making changes. If you
relate to any of this – what are you waiting for?
Do you owe
yourself health and happiness?
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