Food is Fuel
A Journey Through Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Diabetes and Lifestyle Change
live in an age where you don’t have to leave your home to buy a book or
newspaper or music. Everything is online. It’s so easy to stay in
your house and have everything come to you. A gym is a place you have
to go to – where your own hard work produces results. A 100lb weight is
always 100lbs. It sits there waiting for you to move it.
company I work for is called Integrity Training Systems which is the
brain child of Debbie Portell. We go through very detailed training to
make sure you learn the proper, safe way to exercise. Reaching your
goals is the objective. We really want you to succeed. Every trainer
is different, as is every client. Our system is set up to get you to
the right person. I say all this to give you some idea that we are not
just about getting you to come in and workout while you count the
minutes until it’s over. That’s why it’s important that we train you
about your posture, your breathing; things that make the quality of your
life better. My approach comes from my training in the martial arts.
The mind and body connection is real. Once you learn the proper and
safe way to perform a move or exercise physically, then you can learn
the mental side of exercise. This will get you in touch with real
change. I have a fire that burns inside of me to challenge myself. I’m
not a super athlete. I’m hard working and curious, and determined to
take my mind and body to deep waters and find out what I’m made of.
This is what I want to bring to the people I train; to help them believe
that they are capable of so much more by having a strong mind and body.
I believe being able to relax and breathe while doing something
strenuous in the gym will transfer to relaxing and handling stressful
situations outside of the gym. I want my clients to focus on getting
better, not how many reps we are doing. Learning to focus and push your
self is an amazing thing. My love of exercising is to find out what
I’m made of, and to prove that I am able to perform under physical and
mental pressure. I love watching people do things that they couldn’t
have accomplished a month earlier before their training started. They
can’t believe what they are capable of. We all need help in life with
things, and the gym is not a place to fear. It is amazing to watch
someone who is shy or fearful of the burn that starts in their body,
learn to relax and embrace it and know they are prepared to handle it,
and then learn to love it.
You and your life are worth being the best
possible. Don’t be afraid. We have an answer to the question of what
you want your health level to be. I train people who want to lose
weight, who are fighters, who are trainers, who want to improve at a
certain sport – and every one of them have certain anxieties that they
have learned to control. Once you do this, a new world opens up to you,
and once you realize you are in control of your health, real change
begins. You are worth it. Don’t let stale patterns in your life
control you. Take charge of your life and health. Spending everyday in
the gym and being there when someone changes their life by
accomplishing things they never would have allowed themselves to believe
they could do is remarkable. Do something to relieve the stress you
are feeling about the weight you are carrying around. You will feel it
both mentally and spiritually, even more so than physically. Dedicate
one hour a day to make the other 23 better. The weights don’t gossip,
back stab or disappoint. The weights bring out the best in you. As
long as you’re breathing it is never too late. Once you experience how
we do it, you will never want to stop and I will never let you lose
sight that these are your accomplishments.
Your mind and body are so
powerful. Why would you not want to find out how powerful? I write
these things because I know how people no longer want to make excuses
and sometimes something can click on a certain day and certain moment
that makes today the start of something that is like no other. Your
body will respond immediately. Get your mind wrapped around the idea
that nothing can stop you from achieving!!! Do you really think it’s
too difficult, or is it the first step into something you think about
everyday? Stop, take a deep breath and you are already on the path to
starting everything that you just read. You are already on your way;
the first step is that easy…
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